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The Majority of Corporate VPs "NEVER" Break Through into the Executive Ranks.
- Did you quickly and successfully build your career up past middle management?
- Have you hit a ceiling or wall that you can't seem to break through into the executive levels?
- Is what you used to do to get noticed and promoted no longer working?
3 Reasons Why This Has Happened.
Well, there are three predictable reasons for why this has happened, two of which you probably know and one you might not:
First, it’s more competitive now.
The higher you go the fewer the positions and the greater the number of hungry talented, people vying for them
Second, your environment’s more political.
People are jostling for power and stature and you’re just not a game-player. Even your boss is focused on his or her own career and is less inclined to spend precious political capital on you.
And Third .. (and this is the part you may not realize):
The stuff they used to reward you for – your Strengths – are now being held against you as Weaknesses.
Due to Limited Availability
Right now I only have capacity to work 1:1 developing a CSuite Promotability Plan with a maximum of 3 people per week.
So to ensure neither of us wastes our time we'll start with a brief 15 minute introductory discussion to determine if and how I can help.
If I can help and you agree, we can lock in a suitable time for a deeper conversation to develop your CSuite Promotability Plan...
...and if I don't think I can help, I’ll be happy to point you to more suitable resources.
Looking forward to our chat.
Ephraim Schachter
Ephraim Schachter
If you had a step-by-step plan that you could implement to break through to the C-Suite, what would that be worth to you?
It's worth a free 15 minute conversation at least! Contact me for a confidential consultation.